13 JULY- 3 AUGUST 2024
Gonchan's first solo exhibition in Japan embraces playfulness, humour and a scant regard for conformity encouraging one’s inner child to emerge. His renowned Fuji Rock Festival painted rock creations will be featured alongside limited edition screen prints, cut-outs, mobiles, digital art, projections and a gigantic 6x1.5 m print, an interactive artwork for visitors to draw and colour in.
Outsider artist Robert Gordon McHarg III is Gonchan. He says: “I feel Gonchan is my alter ego, a 21st century nomadic caveman artist, that allows me to connect with people through a primordial art form. My time in Japan has taught me a lot and I will always be grateful for this”.
Visual collages and reels will illustrate RGM’s archival history and past exhibitions as “Je Me Souviens Gordon”, based on his childhood drawings, while Dif & Dang symbolise the lifelong collaboration with his son, graffiti/ tagger artist Difer.
“Made in Japan” the new - made for the exhibition – cutout artwork proudly takes centre stage with its 4.20 m length.
Curated by Alejandra Niño with the Artist, celebrates McHarg’s Wood Dragon KANREKI this year, representing his art journey up till now and a new beginning.
Robert Gordon McHarg III would like to thank Jason Mayall at Smash London for his support, all at Smash Corporation, Jeremy Strength - Gallery Ether, all the photographers who have contributed to this project, Fujirockers and a big thank you to all The Fuji Rock Festival audience. Special thanks to all the FRF Gonchan Crew who have helped me over the years.
Dedicated and Remembering Hugh Joezif McHarg-Murray aka Difer 1984-2021
Rest In Paint - Tag In Peace